Make your yard beautiful for fall
Fall 2018
Gardener’s Outlet has all the plants you need for a blooming garden
Pansies, kale and cabbage — when you walk in the door at Gardener’s Outlet that is all you see: bench after bench full of kale, cabbage, pansies and violas, all grown right there on the premises. Now that fall is finally here, you can find all your fall plants at Gardener’s Outlet. Manager Bryan Ragland says he has both white and purple ornamental kale and cabbage in a variety of sizes from 1-gallon pots down to 4-inch pots and prices to meet anyone’s budget. The 1-gallon cabbage and kale measure on average from 12 to 14 inches across, with some even measuring larger. These plants are just starting to color with the recent cooler weather.
Gardener’s Outlet also has pansies and violas in a variety of colors and varieties — from solid colors to the majestic giant varieties that look like they have a face on them. Now that the weather has finally cooled down, all Gardener’s Outlet’s fall plants can be planted just about anywhere they can get at least a half day of sunlight or more.
Bryan says pansies, kale, cabbage and violas also do well planted in pots, as long as the pots are large enough. Since any type of dirt in a pot gets colder than the ground, the pot needs to be large enough to be able to deal with cool night temps as the winter temperatures start dropping. Usually a pot that is 14 inches or more across the top, and at least a foot deep will let fall plants survive through the winter here. If you have never tried planting ornamental kale or cabbage, Bryan recommends giving them a try. As the temperatures start to drop, the centers of the kale and cabbage will start to color either white or purple, depending on the variety. He says they are a great accent with pansies and violas. Bryan also says that if you have never tried planting violas, give it a try. Bryan says he has a lot of customers who prefer them to pansies since they bloom more than pansies do. He says, “Even though violas have a smaller bloom than a pansy does, they show up just as well as a pansy does in the garden due to their abundance of blooms at any given time.” Bryan also has a variety of colors of mums as well, so if you have never been out to Gardener’s Outlet, come visit and see what Gardener’s Outlet has to offer.
Bryan also wanted everyone to know that he has a good selection of perennials, trees and shrubs that are discounted 25-percent off his already low prices thru the end of October. He says that fall is actually the best time of year to plant perennials, trees and shrubs since they will have time to root well before it gets cold. When spring comes, they will be rooted and ready to start growing right away when temperatures start to rise.
So if you have never paid a visit to Gardener’s Outlet, Bryan hopes you will come visit him, and see all the homegrown fall plants Gardener’s Outlet has to offer, as well as his selection of perennials.
Gardener’s Outlet is open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. They are closed on Sundays. They are located at 1805 N. Frankford Ave. — about a mile and a half north of the Wal-Mart on 4th Street and Frankford Avenue. You can also check out their Facebook page (Gardeners Outlet), or their webpage at discovergardenersoutlet.com. Give Bryan a call at (806) 744-5404 if you have any questions about your fall planting needs.